Lake Jem Farms Turf Grass And Sod
Tifway 419 Bermudagrass in Central Florida
Tifway 419 was released in the 1960s and is a widely used Bermuda hybrid grass. Bermuda grass is a short mat like variety that creeps along the ground and forms a dense mat. Tifway received its name after being developed and improved in Tifton, Georgia at a turf breeding program. This very dense, aggressive growing turf is ideal in several different situations because all that it has to offer.
Home Lawns
Commercial Landscapes
Parks & Recreation
Golf Courses
Sports Fields

Known for its finer quality and genetic clarity is often used for high profile and commercial landscapes where a fine quality and textured landscape is desired. On the other end, Tifway also has an excellent wear tolerance which pairs with its ability to recover rapidly. This makes the blend perfect for high traffic areas where the grass would receive a lot of wear and tear such as sports fields and golf courses. It is a variety that thrives in the sun but also exhibits good cold weather tolerance in mild or moderate winter weather. In addition studies have found the grass to have a high drought and heat tolerance which is also because of its rapid rate of recovery. Some benefits that Tifway 419 has to offer are that it is virtually free of weeds, harmful turn insects and diseases. This helps add years of less maintenance to the life of the grass.
Maintenance is relatively easy for the grass because of its high quality. Like previously mentioned, diseases, insects and weeds are never issues. Tifway does require mowing, watering, and fertilization in order to keep the healthy color and uniform of the mat like grass.
This improved Bermuda highway offers an excellent wear tolerance as well as excellent quality is perfect for any high traffic or highly established environment.
Contact one of our sod experts for more Information or request an estimate
Or Call 352-383-7196