Pro Tips From Central Florida Sod & Turf Experts
Lake Jem Farms – The Trusted Source for Sod & Turf for Over 30 years!
Set Your Mower Height for Your Specific Grass Type
Ok – you have had your new sod laid, it has taken root and it is time to mow. Simple right? Not necessarily. Each type of grass needs to have the mower set at a specific height in order to ensure it stays healthy. In the Florida heat, cutting your lawn grass too short can damage and even kill it. The following is a guide for grass types on when to mow and where to set your mower: Common Bermuda and Zoysia, set your mower at 1 ¼“ and mow when the grass is 1 ¾ inch tall. Hybrid Bermuda...
Florida Turfgrass – Which Type is Best for Your Lawn
All turfgrass is not created equal. You want your grass to not only look green, but also be able to withstand high humidity, high heat, and sometimes short drought periods that are common to Florida. With these extreme weather conditions to worry about, you need to know which types of turfgrass will survive best in your lawn. St. Augustine and Bermudagrass are often the most popular turfgrass types. St. Augustine grass is native to Florida, and comes in many variations, including Palmetto,...
5 Best Reasons to Choose Sod Over Seed
Is your lawn looking thin or patchy? You may be searching for the solution that is best for you and your lawn. Many homeowners are in similar positions and face the same question; sod or natural grass seed? In this article, we’ll review some of the reasons you would choose sod over seed. 1. Less Labor Intensive One of the benefits of sod is that it is less labor intensive than seeding. Seeding can often take many attempts to get the seed to stick, and even then it could come through patchy...
Advantages of Small Business Over Big Box Stores
Many people assume the best place to pick up sod for their lawn is one of the big box stores, without doing any of the research. Big box stores such as Lowe’s and Home Depot lure people in with their promise of savings by buying in bulk, and people think that these companies can offer better prices to them because they have so much buying power in the market. But that is not always the case. Take the time to compare the prices – for example, you would find that Lake Jem’s costs for not only...
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