Pro Tips From Central Florida Sod & Turf Experts
Lake Jem Farms – The Trusted Source for Sod & Turf for Over 30 years!
Winter Lawn Care Tips
It may not feel like it now, but winter is coming to Central Florida eventually, and you will need to have your lawn prepared. There are some easy steps you can take starting now to keeping your lawn in good shape as the winter months reach us. First, make sure to clean up your lawn. Any leaves, debris, or even toys left out on the lawn too long can smother the grass, creating conditions where it is susceptible to disease, as well as inviting insects, mice, or other damaging pests to take up...
Overseeding Lawns for Cooler Months
In our previous blog, we mentioned overseeding grass during the winter to maintain a great looking lawn year round. But what is overseeding? Overseeding is just what it sounds like – adding seed over your warm season grass so that the lawn will remain full and green during the winter. It is especially useful if you have Bermuda grass, buffalo grass, Zoysia, St. Augustine or other warm season grasses, which go dormant in cooler weather and can lead to unappealing brown lawns for the winter...
Fall Sod Tips
Fall is right around the corner! Even though we are in the Sunshine State, the weather in Florida eventually turns cool, and it is important to know how to care for grass during the Fall. Commonly, grasses made for cool seasons include bluegrass, bentgrass, fescues, and ryegrasses. Warm season turf grasses include Bermudagrass, Saint-Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, and buffalograss. Regardless of whether you have cool season turf grass or warm season turf grass growing in your lawn, there are a...
Keeping Summer Grass Healthy
Are you worried about how your grass will react to the summer weather? Even though the summer months are coming to an end, the hot weather will be around for a little while longer at least, and it is important to keep some tips and tricks in mind. Or, if your lawn has failed this year, keep these things in mind as you prepare for next year’s yard. First and foremost, make sure to protect your lawn against insects and disease. Insects can lay thousands of eggs, overtaking your yard quickly. If...
What is Bermuda Grass?
Many people have heard of Bermuda grass, but are unsure what it is. Bermuda grass is actually a common term for cynodon dactylon, or durva grass. It is sometimes also called Bahama grass, devil’s grass, crutch grass, or dog’s tooth grass, depending on the part of the world. It is native to north and east Asia, Africa, Australia, and southern Europe. Since then it became an invasive species in Bermuda, taking up much of the lands, and giving it its common nickname as it came to North America...
What is Zoysia Grass?
Zoysia grass is fast becoming one of the most popular sods for Florida lawns, as well as lawns throughout the southeast. At Lake Jem Farms, we provide our customers with the Empire Turf Zoysia variation of Zoysia sod and turf grass. Empire Turf Zoysia was originally developed in Brazil, although it has been brought to America as it not only thrives in harsh tropical climates but also has excellent cold hardiness. The Empire Turf Zoysia variation of Zoysia sod provides a soft-to-touch feel...
How to Care for Zoysia Grass
If you have added Zoysia grass to your Central Florida lawn, it is important that you know how to maintain it so it will remain beautiful for years to come. Some of the most important keys to proper Zoysia maintenance include the proper soil fertility, rainfall, and amount of sun. While Zoysia is popular because it can thrive in a variety of climates and weather conditions, it grows the best when it has good soil fertility, full sun, high rainfall, and is growing in the south. While it may...
The History of Zoysia Sod
In the past, we’ve told you the advantages of adding Zoysia sod to your yard. As a sod for your yard, Zoysia provides a soft-to-the-touch feel and attractive lush green coloring for your yard. But it is just as strong as it is soft, with a thick root structure and great drought tolerance, as well as natural chinch bug and chemical resistance. It also has a low growth habit, meaning it can form dense mats and mounds over low features. This is a nice contrast to other popular residential sods in...
Ideal Length for Types of Grass
The ideal length for grass varies from type to type. Some grasses are made to be shorter, while others are made to be higher. Asking an expert at Lake Jem Farms about your specific type of sod is important, as the length the grass should be cut can even vary during its lifetime – for example, you may need to leave the grass longer while it is in its early stages and establishing roots, but it can be cut shorter in the future. The length for the different grass types also depends on what...
Best Options for Commercial Sod
Many people use sod to beautify their home lawns, but it can also be used to keep a commercial property looking nice and fresh. Depending on what kind of commercial property you have, you should use different types of sod. It is important to consider many different things when deciding which turf grass is right for you, including how much sun the area will get and how much traffic the grass will see. There are three types of sod that are the most popular for commercial applications: Empire...
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