Pro Tips From Central Florida Sod & Turf Experts
Lake Jem Farms – The Trusted Source for Sod & Turf for Over 30 years!
Choosing the Best Florida Sod Farm for Commercial Properties
When choosing a commercial sod farm to supply turfgrass for your hotel, golf course, or other types of business, it is important to take into consideration several aspects of your needs when it comes to grass choices. The amount of foot traffic, expected lawn maintenance, and desired aesthetics are all things to consider when choosing the sod for your commercial property. A good Central Florida sod farm can help you make these important decisions for your commercial property. Here are some...
How to Prep for Sod Installation
Creating a thick, lush lawn in Florida is easily achievable by installing sod onto your lawn. However, it’s not as easy as just rolling the sod out and adding water. There are a few things to check off your list before having sod installed by a Central Florida sod farm, such as choosing the right sod for your property, ensuring all weeds are killed, and that your lawn is graded and your soil is as healthy as possible. Choosing a Turfgrass Not all lawns are created equal. The amount of shade...
Where to Buy Sod in Central Florida
Ready to enhance your curb appeal with a new lawn, but don’t know where to buy sod, or even what kind is the best for your lawn? Our experts gathered some tips about shopping for sod in Central Florida. Buy Local Choosing to buy your sod from a local, Central Florida sod farm is your best option for a few reasons. The first reason is that it is going to cost less when you minimize the transportation expenses. Second, as a living organism, sod is at risk during long transportation and can...
Installing Dormant Sod
Dormant Sod During the winter months here at Lake Jem Farms Inc, the sod selection of warm season turf grasses may enter into a dormancy state. Dormancy state means that the warm season turf grass has been exposed to severe frost or freezing temperature conditions. When this happens, the turf grass shoots above ground level appear brown with little to no evidence of greenery. The appearance of brown turf grass shoots does not indicate that the grass is dead or will not recover; instead, this...
Advantages of Sod Over Seeding Your Yard
As summer kicks into high gear, you want to spend more time outside. Therefore, you want your yard to be in tip-top shape so you can enjoy it - whether for an afternoon BBQ or for your children to run around and play games. Sod can be a great option to create a lush and quick option to get your yard ready for the outdoor season. There are some advantages and disadvantages to using sod instead of just seeding your yard. In general, sodding the yard is more expensive than seeding, but in the...
Getting Ready for Spring
The cold weather has finally hit in Central Florida, and you may notice your lawn starting to look a little sparse. If this is the case, you may be considering either sowing new grass seed or laying sod once the weather starts to warm back up in the spring. If you are planning on laying sod (a great option for many people as it creates a virtually “instant lawn” for you to enjoy the looks of once you have laid it down), there are some steps that you will want to take as soon as you are able...
Bahamas Grass
While Empire Zoysia Turf Grass is the most popular of the turf grasses available through Lake Jem Farms, our Bahamas grasses are still a popular choice for many people looking to add sod to their commercial or residential lawn spaces. While Bahama grass is also referred to as Bermuda grass, devil’s grass, couch grass, and dog’s tooth grass. It is not native to the Bahamas or Bermuda, in fact, it is actually native to north and est Africa, Asia, Australia and southern Europe, although it has...
Picking Zoysia Sod for your Property
No two types of sod are alike. At Lake Jem Farms, we realize this and try to find the best sod possible for your project - whether it be for the yard of your brand new home, or for the grassy area outside of your office building. For a type of sod to thrive in the Central Florida area, it must be compatible with our sub-tropical climate, which features high humidity, high heat, and even short drought periods that can brown many types of grass in the long run. Some of the most popular...
Is Zoysia Turf Grass Right for Your Commercial Property?
Zoysia Turf Grass is fast becoming a popular commercial grass for Central Florida - in fact, it is actually Lake Jem Farms number one selling turf grass. One of the biggest reasons that this grass is popular is because of its softness - few other turf grasses compare with how soft to the touch Zoysia turf grass is, especially for a hardy grass that can handle the sub-tropical climate of Central Florida. Zoysia turf grass has evolved from creeping grasses common in southeast and east Asia and...
Is Bermuda Grass Right For You?
Bermuda Grass is the most common name for the Cynodon dactylon grass. This grass is native to north and east Africa, Asia, Australia, and southern Europe. From there, it became an invasive species in Bermuda, and then came to North America, where the name Bermuda Grass stuck. In other parts of the world, it is also called dubo, dog’s tooth grass, Bahama grass, devil’s grass, couch grass, or scutch grass. The natural version of Bermuda grass is known for its grey-green colored blades with...
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