Pro Tips From Central Florida Sod & Turf Experts
Lake Jem Farms – The Trusted Source for Sod & Turf for Over 30 years!
Two Favorite Central Florida Sod Varieties
Central Florida is an amazing place to live - warm weather, stunning lakes and short distances to gorgeous beaches. But that warm weather makes it difficult for natural grass to flourish, leaving sod as one of the best options for your business or home to have a manicured lawn. Sod is grass and part of the soil beneath it that is cultivated on special sod farms, such as Lake Jem Farms, and is quickly installed into its new location. It’s commonly used on golf course and residential yards. Sod...
Sod Installation in Central Florida Summer
Summer is here. Kids are out of school, the beach is calling, and you may be thinking about having some barbecues and pool days. But if your yard isn’t up to par, you may be thinking about replacing your sod. One of the biggest benefits of sod is that you can almost immediately start enjoying your lush, beautiful yard instead of waiting months and months for seed to grow. Installing sod can really help your yard stand out, but installing it in the Florida summer heat can be tricky, which is...
Empire Zoysia Sod for Your Central Florida Lawn
Florida is a Southern state that has a particularly tough time when it comes to achieving naturally growing, aesthetically pleasing grass. Incredibly hot temperatures lead to dried out lawns and bugs seeking shelter and moisture from the grass. If you’re looking for a long-term solution to your sparse yard, then Empire Zoysia sod may be the perfect match for your needs. Resodding your lawn with Empire Zoysia sod can benefit your lawn and life in a few different ways: Reduce dirt and...
Choosing a Central Florida Sod Farm
You might know the feeling… grass envy. Staring over at your neighbor’s lawn, perplexed as to why your yard doesn’t quite match up to theirs despite your best efforts. Even if you’ve laid down turfgrass before, the unfortunate truth is that turfgrass quality fluctuates. It can be high-end and plush, all the way down to low-grade, rough and scratchy. Some homebuilders decide to go for low-quality grass to cut corners and save money, but in the end, you are resigned to an unsightly lawn. If...
St. Augustine Turfgrass for Shady Lawns
St. Augustine grass is arguably the most popular choice for lawns throughout the southern United States, and it displays a high shade tolerance when compared to most other varieties of grass. Of the different varieties (cultivars) of St. Augustine, the most shade tolerant includes Seville, Palmetto, and Bitter Blue. These shade-tolerant cultivars also do well in direct sunlight, which is important for Central Florida lawns. These cultivars tolerate and persist in areas within a lawn with...
Herbicides and Pesticides – What to Use?
Most of us spend a lot of time and money getting our Central Florida lawns to look perfect only to wake up one morning and see weeds or large brown spots where insects have been dining! Fighting Mother Nature can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, however technology has developed things to help in the “War on Weeds and Bugs”. To rid your lawn of weeds there are two broad categories of herbicides: Pre-emergent herbicides can be used to stop weeds from sprouting and are manufactured under a...
St. Augustine Turfgrass Facts for Central Florida
St. Augustine grass forms a very dense lawn that feels great under bare feet. It is a warm-season turfgrass, native to the coastal plains of the Gulf of Mexico – making it great for Central Florida because it is best in sub-tropical coastal regions with mild winters and plenty of rainfall. This type of grass will survive with little maintenance, but with a little extra care, it makes a thick, lush lawn. While it is more shade tolerant than other warm-season grasses, it grows best in full...
Sod vs Seed: Which is Better for Your Florida Lawn?
Home improvement doesn’t only include your house. For many Floridians, having a beautiful, manicured lawn gives you the curb appeal that everyone desires. Getting your lawn into tip-top shape for summer means you’ll have the perfect setting for a family BBQ or for the kids to get out and play. Getting this pristine yard is where the question lies. Which is better - sod or seed? Time Sod can be a great option to create a lush and quick option to get your yard ready for the outdoor season....
Central Florida Commercial Sod Installation
Buying sod for your commercial property is a big investment. That’s why buying high quality, local sod from a Central Florida sod farm and ensuring it is installed properly is so important; not only for the initial appearance of the grass, but for the longevity of your investment. Be sure that your sod and sod installation is as easy and painless as possible with these few tips: Manage Your Time For a large commercial property installation, you need the right amount of manpower and time...
Reasons Professional Sodding Beats Out DIY
Is your lawn looking like it’s in dire need of some serious help? Are you thinking of putting down some new turf in your yard? Investing in professional sodding is money well spent. When done well, sodding can establish a lawn and allow it to integrate successfully. However, if done improperly, you run the risk that your lawn simply won’t take and all you’ll have to show for your efforts is a lot of dead, unattractive grass. So how do you ensure that your lawn grows full and beautifully? Hire...
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