With spring here, now is the time to start preparing for those hot summer months. Have your guests impressed by your beautiful, lush lawn during your parties and family cookouts by starting your spring lawn maintenance.
Clean it Up
Winter is over! Be sure to rake up all those dead leaves and get them to the curb. Give your lawn a chance to breathe and get yourself a good view of what needs to be done before those scorching summer months.
Don’t be Afraid to Get Dirty
Soil preparation is an important part of the process when installing sod to your Florida lawn. It gives your grass the best chance it has to grow healthy and vibrant. The nutrients in your soil will feed the grass and keep it strong. Take care of your soil by spreading fertilizer and aerating compacted soil.
Don’t Give Weeds a Chance
Weeds can repress new growth and make it impossible for healthy roots to take hold. Preventative herbicide treatments can prevent weeds from getting out of hand. Investing in protecting your lawn now can save you time and money in the long run.
Don’t Overlook the Basics
Some of the Central Florida turfgrass options provided by Lake Jem Farms are better equipped for certain areas such as heavily shaded areas or places with high traffic. Schedule watering based on the weather and temperatures. Mowing and maintenance may be needed more for certain turfgrass types.
Find out more about our turfgrass options here.
Get your summer lawn looking great by preparing now. Spring is the perfect time to get in touch with us about getting a new lawn. No matter what you are looking for in a new lawn, be it bug resistant, cold or heat resistant, drought resistant sod, a special feel, special color or all of the above, we have the high quality sod you are looking for.