Dormant Sod
During the winter months here at Lake Jem Farms Inc, the sod selection of warm season turf grasses may enter into a dormancy state. Dormancy state means that the warm season turf grass has been exposed to severe frost or freezing temperature conditions. When this happens, the turf grass shoots above ground level appear brown with little to no evidence of greenery. The appearance of brown turf grass shoots does not indicate that the grass is dead or will not recover; instead, this is a natural behavior and provides protection for the grass when faced with severe frost or freezing temperatures.

Benefits to Installing Dormant Sod
At Lake Jem Farms, we produce, harvest and install sod throughout the entire year (spring, summer, fall, winter).
Installing dormant sod from Lake Jem Farms inc, can be rewarding and successful. Let’s take a look at some of the major benefits to installing sod during the winter months here in Central Florida.
Irrigation water requirements for sod root establishment are greatly reduced due to cooler temperatures and a reduction of the water evaporationrate. In fact, during winter months here in Central Florida, we estimate between 50 to 60% less water use is required during the root establishment process.
- Disease and turf grass pests that can be a major threat to the sod during the spring, summer, or early fall are less likely to affect the dormant sod. Establishing sod during winter months in Central Florida gives your professional lawn maintenance company the advantage of applying preventative disease and pest control products to the tuf grass earlier in the spring.
- Cost incentives are usually passed on to the consumers during the winter months.
Sucessful Dormant Sod Installation
Hiring sod installation and lawn maintenance experts will guarantee that you give your sod the best opportunity to become a plush, green, health lawn. Expert commitments include:

- Site Preparation. Soil should be free of debris. Rough grade the entire area to proper heights along driveways, sidewalks, curbs, etc. Eliminate any drainage problems.
- Soil Testing. Soil samples should be taken and tested to determine fertility levels. Once fertility levels are determined; appropriate fertilization soil amendments are applied to the soil prior to sod installation for optimal root growth.
- Proper Alignments. Sod pieces are placed in a staggered cement block like position and are perpendicular to all downhill slopes.
Irrigation. Proper watering is essential to newly installed turf grass sod. Too much water and the sod will drown, not enough water and the sod will die. Hiring professionals will make sure irrigation systems are working properly during the root establishment period.
Disease and Pest Management Program. After sod installation it’s important to acquire the services of a reputable commercial herbicide applicator and fertilization provider. This will make sure that the turf grass will receive proper nutrients to promote root growth, weed control, pest control, and disease control.